Thursday, October 04, 2007

When did blackmail become a family value?

I'd love to hear James C. Dobson's answer to that question after his New York Times op-ed.

If you ask me, I guess he's not too concerned about the sanctity of life from terrorist bombings. Particularly if he is about to indirectly elect Hillary Clinton. Of course, his actions are in the name of principle, and so, according to the logic conservatives seem to be embracing these days, they cannot be questioned.

I call bullshit on that.

I hope the GOP will show that it doesn't give in to such blackmail.


SJ Reidhead said...


I could not have said it better.

Don't you just love the way conservatives are now willing to dump their "conservative values" for expediency and power?

SJ Reidhead
The Pink Flamingo

SallyVee said...

Harold, what a perfect way to frame the hit job.

However, out of respect for Puritan sensibilities, I think you should consider rephrasing that one part to "cow poop."

Zarathustra said...

Rev. Dobson and his followers are free citizens of a constitutional republic and as such they have a legal right to vote however they may wish. The GOP does not, in any way, "own" their vote and therefore it is impossible for them to commit "blackmail" by not voting for the Republicans. If he doesn't like what he sees in the party he's more than free to take his vote elsewhere.

Gedankenexperiment: Were the Connecticut Democrats who voted for Lieberman instead of their party's nominee Lamont committing "blackmail?" Or, to reformulate the question, would you automatically support Ron Paul should he be Republican nominee? If you would not endorse Paul, then how would this be any different from what Dobson is doing?